OpenResty® 是一个基于 Nginx 与 Lua 的高性能 Web 平台,其内部集成了大量精良的 Lua 库、第三方模块以及大多数的依赖项。用于方便地搭建能够处理超高并发、扩展性极高的动态 Web 应用、Web 服务和动态网关。
OpenResty® 通过汇聚各种设计精良的 Nginx 模块(主要由 OpenResty 团队自主开发),从而将 Nginx 有效地变成一个强大的通用 Web 应用平台。这样,Web 开发人员和系统工程师可以使用 Lua 脚本语言调动 Nginx 支持的各种 C 以及 Lua 模块,快速构造出足以胜任 10K 乃至 1000K 以上单机并发连接的高性能 Web 应用系统。
OpenResty® 的目标是让你的Web服务直接跑在 Nginx 服务内部,充分利用 Nginx 的非阻塞 I/O 模型,不仅仅对 HTTP 客户端请求,甚至于对远程后端诸如 MySQL、PostgreSQL、Memcached 以及 Redis 等都进行一致的高性能响应。
参考 组件 可以知道 OpenResty® 中包含了多少软件。
参考 上路 学习如何从最简单的 hello world 开始使用 OpenResty® 开发 HTTP 业务,或前往 下载 直接获取 OpenResty® 的源代码包开始体验。
First of all, please go to the Download page to get the source code tarball of OpenResty, and see the Installation page for how to build and install it into your system.
Prepare directory layout
We first create a separate directory for our experiments. You can use an arbitrary directory. Here for simplicity, we just use ~/work
mkdir ~/work
cd ~/work
mkdir logs/ conf/
Note that we’ve also created the logs/
directory for logging files and conf/
for our config files.
Prepare the nginx.conf config file
Create a simple plain text file named conf/nginx.conf
with the following contents in it:
worker_processes 1;
error_log logs/error.log;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
server {
listen 8080;
location / {
default_type text/html;
content_by_lua '
ngx.say("<p>hello, world</p>")
If you’re familiar with Nginx configuration, it should look very familiar to you. OpenResty is just an enhanced version of Nginx by means of addon modules anyway. You can take advantage of all the exisitng goodies in the Nginx world.
Start the Nginx server
Assuming you have installed OpenResty into /usr/local/openresty
(this is the default), we make our nginx
executable of our OpenResty installation available in our PATH
export PATH
Then we start the nginx server with our config file this way:
nginx -p `pwd`/ -c conf/nginx.conf
Error messages will go to the stderr device or the default error log files logs/error.log
in the current working directory.
Access our HelloWorld web service
We can use curl to access our new web service that says HelloWorld:
curl http://localhost:8080/
If everything is okay, we should get the output
<p>hello, world</p>
You can surely point your favorite web browser to the location http://localhost:8080/
Test performance
See Benchmark for details.
Where to go from here
View the documentation of each component at the Components page and find Nginx related stuff on the Nginx Wiki site.