Category Archives: Google Cloud

在 Linux 虚拟机上格式化和装载非启动磁盘

如果您将新的空白磁盘挂接到虚拟机,则必须先格式化并装载磁盘,然后才能使用磁盘。如果挂接的磁盘已包含数据,则必须先装载该磁盘,然后才能使用它。 准备工作 连接到虚拟机 在 Linux... Read More | Share it now!

Start/Stop Compute Engine Instance from Cloud function I design a web service that will running on Google Compute Engine to do some long-time data processing task. The data will be stored at Cloud Storage... Read More | Share it now!

Google Cloud Registry (GCR) with external Kubernetes

For information about how to pull from other private registries, see the following topics: Docker Hub private repository with Kubernetes Amazon EC2 Container Registry (ECR) with Kubernetes If you run Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Google... Read More | Share it now!

GCR(Container Registry) Authentication methods To authenticate to Container Registry, you should use gcloud as a Docker credential helper as described below. This page also describes advanced... Read More | Share it now!