Installing the MapR Client on CentOS or Red Hat


Installing the MapR Client on CentOS or Red Hat

  1. Remove any previous MapR software. You can use rpm -qa | grep mapr to get a list of installed MapR packages, then type the packages separated by spaces after the rpm -e command. Example:
    rpm -qa | grep mapr
    rpm -e mapr-fileserver mapr-core
  2. Install the MapR client for your target architecture:
    • yum install mapr-client.i386
    • yum install mapr-client.x86_64
  3. Run to configure the client. For details about the syntax, parameters, and behavior of, see
     Un-secure cluster example:

    In the following example, the -N parameter specifies the cluster name, the -c (lowercase) parameter specifies a client configuration, the -C (uppercase) parameter specifies the CLDB nodes, and the -HS parameter specifies the HistoryServer node:

    /opt/mapr/server/ -N -c -C mynode01:7222 -HS mynode02  

     Secure cluster example:
  4. To use this client with a secure cluster or clusters, copy the ssl_truststore file from the /opt/mapr/conf directory on the cluster to the /opt/mapr/conf directory on the client. If this client will connect to multiple clusters, merge the ssl_truststore files with the /opt/mapr/server/ tool.
    See the Security Guide for details on how to connect to a secure cluster.

One Response so far.

  1. Nook says:
    Aw.. th8;#&a217ts so sad! Twins come just a few minutes apart – less than an hour. She will have discharge for a week or so. However, if you see her in distress, pushing and looking like she’s in pain, there may be another kid lodged in her birthing canal. If you can’t position it to come out, you’ll need a vet. Good luck!